Public Sector Early in Careers Health and Safety Certificate

Public Sector Early in Careers Health and Safety Certificate


  • Investment in the programme is $1,165 per person +GST
  • Four 3.5-hour sessions, face to face in Wellington; booklet review; assessment completion and (non-assessed) application of learning in the workplace.
  • Gain a recognised New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) Level 3 Certificate of achievement which can be applied to future vocational qualifications such as: Level 4, Health, and Safety Diploma.
  • Great way to ease yourself into a structured learning approach to achieve vocational success whilst working full time.

About the programme

Our “Public Sector Early in Careers Health and Safety Certificate” delivered by +IMPAC is the only workshop in New Zealand designed as a stepping stone for H&S practitioners starting their careers, advisors who are looking to expand their H&S knowledge and, essential for any H&S representative for further development or aspiring to transition into a H&S career.

This NZQA micro-credentialled certificate programme supports your development in line with the HASANZ's H&S Generalist Career Pathway which outlines what a 'good' advisor looks like. 

The GHSL sees the “Public Sector Early in Certificate Health and Safety Certificate” as a practical introduction into the work of a H&S generalist. The programme structure consists of four workshop modules specifically tailored to recognise Early in Careers (EiC) H&S practitioner specific learning needs and H&S Representative development learning needs. Each workshop covers a stand-alone key H&S topic, with all four modules cumulatively providing a solid foundation of learning for all attendees. 

The programme is interactive, incorporates group discussions and case studies on the four cornerstones of H&S which are: 

  • Module 1 – Health and Safety Risk Fundamentals
    Learning Outcome: By the end of this session the attendees will be able to build an H&S risk profile using both a proactive and reactive approach.
  • Module 2 – Worker Engagement, Participation and Representation
    Learning Outcome: By the end of this session attendees will be able to gather meaningful information relative to their workforce whilst having awareness of the role culture and communication plays in achieving tangible workplace outcomes.
  • Module 3 – Working with other PCBU’s
    Learning Outcome: By the end of this session attendees will be able to demonstrate an understanding of PCBU relationships within their work, recognising the drivers of ‘Control and Influence’.
  • Module 4 – Reporting and Measuring Performance
    Learning Outcome: By the end of this session the attendees will be able to link reporting duties and performance measures into a risk management framework.

These formalised learning modules will help build the required vocational knowledge, which when combined with on-the-job experience will come together to deliver the overall skills that are required by employers and the H&S industry.  A workbook containing information and exercises is provided.

Aims and Outcomes

This Early in Careers Health and Safety Certificate aims to:

  • Develop and grow the capability at a grass roots level so that our H&S generalist practitioners recognised as competent professionals.
  • Provide a recognised learning opportunity for H&S Representatives to continue growing their development, knowledge, and capability in area of health and safety.
  • Act as a follow-on course for all our successful interns who find public sector employment in H&S roles, building upon what they have learnt during their internship.
  • Is designed to achieve a coherent set of skills and knowledge required across the public and private sectors and H&S profession.

Due to the nature of our targeted workforce, 12-16 hours of classroom professional development is achievable and can be completed within work hours. This approach encourages not only our new or early in careers H&S practitioners but also our H&S Representatives to use the EiC certificate as a steppingstone into a H&S career.

2025 Programme Dates




Date and Time


Module One

Risk Fundamentals


27 March 

Learners will gain an understanding of core H&S concepts including hazard/harm/risk/risk factors/risk controls.

Module Two

Engagement and Participation


22 May

Learners will gain a greater understanding on how to engage key stakeholders and facilitate meaningful participation and representation in an H&S context.

Module Three

Working with other PCBU's


3 July 

Learners will gain an understanding on the legal principles that underpin the overlapping duties to consult, cooperate and coordinate.

Module Four

Reporting and Measuring H&S Performance


14 August

Learners will gain a greater understanding of performance indicators and their relationship to workplace risk.

The preferred option for delivery of these workshops is in person, however, if your agency would like to run an online or inhouse programme please contact us.

Who can attend?

Our EiC Certificate is designed for and aimed at H&S practitioners who are starting their careers in roles such as graduates, co-ordinators, administrators, new advisers or H&S Reps who want to develop their H&S knowledge further. However, anyone can attend from public sector, local government, crown or state enterprise agencies. 

Cost to attend?

The cost to attend is $1,165* +GST per attendee (For all four workshop modules).

*Note – We need the minimum of 18 attendees for this programme to run. Please contact us it you would like to discuss running this programme outside Wellington or an inhouse option for your organisation, minimum numbers are required.

Gaining Certification

To gain the NZQA certification the participant must attend the four learning sessions/modules and complete the assessment questions to the satisfaction of the assessor. In all instances, the student will need to complete the Unit Standard questions, as they undertake each EiC module.

In an event where a participant is unwell or unable to attend a learning session participants will be advised by GHSL of the options available to them and agreed by IMPAC. These options are clearly outlined in our Frequently Asked Aquestions (FAQ) along with the option to apply for recognition of prior learning as an alternative to on-the-day attendance.

If any participant does not qualify to gain the Early in Careers Health and Safety Certificate, they will receive a certificate of completion.  


What's in it for me?

"The four IMPAC courses were engaging, practical and informative. I feel more confident and better equipped with Health and Safety knowledge throughout the year. I have been able to apply the knowledge I received from the courses to the projects that I am contributing to, and I can understand the tasks that I am working on in a broader perspective.

- Theary Thong, Health Safety and Wellbeing Coordinator for MPI, Oct 2021


“I found the course really helpful as bit of a newbie in the H&S space. It was good to chat with other people from different organisations and understand their perspectives. I feel privileged to be at Ara Poutama with the resources that we have (mostly people and experience) compared to other organisations. The learning was good and the homework interesting and not too easy. I would certainly recommend this course for future new staff.”

 - Mike Henderson, Department of Corrections, Nov 2023

Booking your place

To book yourself or a team member, please contact the GHSL directly at   All our bookings require the following attendee details (Name, Position, Cost Centre, Email and Phone details).  

For further information or enquires contact:
Debbie Bridge, Principal Adviser, Workforce Capability.


Anita McGhie-Filkins 
Executive Coordinator 

0800 HS Lead (0800 47 5323)