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Critical risk management
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Māori Health and Safety
Mentally Healthy Work Hub
Overlapping Duties, Supply Chain & Procurement
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Positive Workplace Cultures
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A - Z topics
Critical risk management
Driving (work-related road safety)
Māori Health and Safety
Mentally Healthy Work Hub
Overlapping Duties, Supply Chain & Procurement
Physical security
Physical Wellness
Positive Workplace Cultures
Violence and aggression
Working from home
Working remotely
Other resources
About us
Who we are
Who we support
Work Programme and Reporting
Contact us
Careers & Development
Health and Safety Generalist Career Pathway
Summer Internship Programme
Scholarships in across the Public Sector
Public Sector Early in Careers Health and Safety Certificate
Officer Development Programme
Career Opportunities (Vacancies)
Enhancing Safety: De-Escalation Training
News & Events
CE Newsletters
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News & Events
Read about the latest news, initiatives and case studies from the sector.
Good Governance - Tips from IoD's Chief Executive
Kirsten Patterson shares some “tips” for public service Chief Executives, recognising that public service Chief Executives have a dual role of leading and gov
Health and Safety Representatives' Conference a success
On 4 April, nearly 600 health and safety representatives, health and safety practitioners and senior leaders from 37 public service and state sector agencies attended the second annual Health and Safety Representatives’ Conference.
New Year starts at pace for interns
The Health and Safety Summer interns have been busy over the last two weeks with a visit to NZDF’s Trentham base and a sit down with NZISM.
HASANZ report highlights challenges
In November, HASANZ published the ‘Building the Professions’ report which provides a picture of New Zealand’s health and safety workforce, as well as future challenges and demands facing the profession across both public and private sectors.
Positive Workplace Cultures programme launched to sector
On Friday 6 December, nearly 200 state sector leaders, employee network and union representatives attended the launch of the Positive Workplace Cultures Programme.
Positive and Safe Workplaces
The State Services Commissioner has asked two chief executives, Mr Ray Smith and Ms Rebecca Kitteridge to co-lead a system wide Positive Workplace Cultures programme to support agencies to embed the new standards.
Deloitte review of the GHSL
In January/February 2019, Deloitte undertook a review of the Government Health and Safety Lead (GHSL). The review confirmed the value of the functional lead and general support for a continuation of the initiative.
Robyn Parkin awarded Public Service Occupational Health and Safety Postgraduate Study Grant
On Thursday 13 December, Robyn Parkin was presented with a certificate to acknowledge her receipt of the Public Service Occupational Health and Safety Postgraduate Study Grant.
New Zealand ShakeOut
New Zealand's national earthquake and tsunami drill took place on 18 October at 9.30am.