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Critical risk management
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Māori Health and Safety
Mentally Healthy Work Hub
Overlapping Duties, Supply Chain & Procurement
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Positive Workplace Cultures
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A - Z topics
Critical risk management
Driving (work-related road safety)
Māori Health and Safety
Mentally Healthy Work Hub
Overlapping Duties, Supply Chain & Procurement
Physical security
Physical Wellness
Positive Workplace Cultures
Violence and aggression
Working from home
Working remotely
Other resources
About us
Who we are
Who we support
Work Programme and Reporting
Contact us
Careers & Development
Health and Safety Generalist Career Pathway
Summer Internship Programme
Scholarships in across the Public Sector
Public Sector Early in Careers Health and Safety Certificate
Officer Development Programme
Career Opportunities (Vacancies)
Enhancing Safety: De-Escalation Training
News & Events
CE Newsletters
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News & Events
Read about the latest news, initiatives and case studies from the sector.
Positive Workplace Cultures Workshop 2024
Positive Workplace Cultures
Haumaru Tāngata Māori Health and Safety framework
Check out the latest Haumaru Tangata Māori Health and Safety framework, which enables you to identify how to and where you are already including Te Ao Māori in our H&S systems, and identify areas where we can continue to improve.
2023 NZISM Nippin Roadshow
NZISM, Roadshow, 2023, Nippin, Anand, H&S
New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety Award Finalists Announced
The New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety Awards recognise the teams, initiatives and individuals who have made our workplaces safer and healthier over the last 12-24 months. The Awards celebrate the best health and safety initiatives and the dedicated people working to improve health and safety outcomes in New Zealand.
Jeremy Lightfoot on mentally healthy work
Over the last few years, psychological health and safety at work has become an area of increasing focus. Jeremy Lightfoot, the Chief Executive champion for the GHSL’s new Mentally Healthy Work Capability programme shares his thoughts on the importance of psychological health and safety at work in this article. He encourages other Chief Executives to join him in engaging with the programme, which is designed to build the necessary capability within executive leaders, health and safety and human resources leaders, and practitioners to effectively manage this critical risk.
2022 Health and Safety Representative of the Year Awards
The 5th annual HSR of the year awards event was held at Shed 6 on the 2nd June 2022. It was fantastic to be able to host the event face to face, and welcome both HSRs and senior leaders to join us to celebrate the success of our six finalists. We were fortunate to have Hon. Minister Michael Wood, minister for Workplace Relations and safety join us, as well as Phil Parkes, CEO of WorkSafe NZ, and Mel Brown, an inspirational HSR from AsureQuality. The event was hosted by Ray Smith, Government Health and Safety Lead and Director-General for MPI.
Announcement – New Director, Government Health and Safety Lead
The GHSL is delighted to announce Lance Goodall as our new Director, starting Monday 21st February 2022. Lance is currently the Head of Wellbeing, Health and Safety at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Celebrating our Finalists and Winner of the 2021 Health and Safety Representative of the Year Awards
Celebrating our six finalists and overall winner of the Health and Safety Representative of the Year Awards
Public Sector well-represented at NZ Workplace Safety Awards
All the award winners of the night.