H&S Reps tools and resources
A range of helpful tools and resources for H&S Reps.
Your agency will have a range of resources and support available to you as an H&S Reps. Additional resources are also provided by WorkSafe and from many unions – such as the PSA (listed below). This page outlines examples of key support and resources available.
Support and advice for H&S Reps |
Public Service Association
They're a powerful public voice and a key player in New Zealand politics, arguing for policies that improve public services and the working conditions of those who deliver them. Their purpose is to build a union able to influence the political, economic, industrial, and social environments in the interests of the membership of the PSA. As an H&S Reps, the PSA can provide support and guidance for supporting union members with health and safety concerns. Union members and H&S Reps can reach out by contacting the PSA directly. |
WorkSafeIf you’re an H&S Reps you play a big role in managing workplace health and safety across Aotearoa. Alongside Health and Safety Committees (HSCs), you help to enable your team to be directly involved in improving your work environment, and you provide an important link between your colleagues and company leadership. WorkSafe has a range of resources and information for H&S Reps. See WorkSafe’s hub for all things HSR(external link) Sign up for Worksafe's HSR newsletter Kanohi Kitea to stay up to date |
Online tools and resources |
GHSL: Health and safety basics
This resource will provide an overview of health and safety systems and legislation in New Zealand, and introduce some important health and safety concepts that can assist you in your role as a health and safety representative. |
GHSL: HSRs making a difference
H&S Reps play an important role in keeping workplaces healthy and safe. H&S Reps can help a workplace to achieve good health and safety outcomes by being the voice of the worker and can help to bridge the gap between how a workplace (PCBU) imagines work is done verses how workers actually do the work. This online interactive resource can help H&S Reps to learn about their role and how to be effective. |
WorkSafe HSR videos(external link)WorkSafe New Zealand have created a series of videos for health and safety representatives. This includes
Te Kete MaruitiTe Kete Maruiti is WorkSafe New Zealand’s Māori cultural learning application. It teaches Te Ao Māori (the Māori world) and focusses on basic teachings to support day to day mahi (work). H&S Repss can use this when engaging across the business. Interactive features within the app include pronunciation of te reo Māori, maps with Māori names and iwi groups, values and principles, mihimihi/pepeha (introductions), ngā mihi (greetings), poroporoaki (farewells), whakataukī (proverbs), waiata (songs) and WorkSafe’s own haka. One of the app’s key features is that it allows staff to input their own personal information to create a customised pepeha. |
WorkSafe Hiki learning cardsWorkSafe have developed Hiki cards that can help you decide which parts of the H&S Reps role are the best fit for you and will help you have conversations with your manager on how they can support you. You can also see how you might want to grow in the role. They were all written by H&S Reps, for H&S Reps. |
GHSL Health and Safety Representative Role Clarity Resources:GHSL partnered with previous H&S Rep of the Year finalists, as well as seeking expertise from the Private Sector, PSA and WorkSafe to develop a suite of resources to support both agencies and H&S Reps to understand their role. These three resources (two documents, and a H&S Rep role clarity brochure) are available for you to download and use to help promote conversations about how H&S Reps can improve safety for everyone at your workplace. |
Guidance and templates |
WorkSafe guidance(external link)WorkSafe New Zealand have guidance materials on a range of topics including:
See WorkSafe's website for more topics. |
Government Health and Safety Lead guidance(external link)The GHSL have guidance on a range of topics, including their printable resources on:
See the Government Health and Safety Lead website for more resources. |
Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum guidance(external link)The Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum have a range of guidance aimed at senior leaders and business leaders. These can be helpful resources for HSRs to use when talking to leaders and H&S committees. Helpful resources include:
Check out the Business Leaders H&S Forum website for resources. |
Employment New Zealand(external link)The Employment New Zealand website contains helpful information on employment matters including health and safety at work.
Check out the Employment NZ website for more information. |
Support services |
Printable GHSL resource |