Working from home
This guide is designed to support government agencies to take appropriate steps to ensure the health and safety, privacy and security of workers working from home. The advice within this guide is not prescriptive and should be tailored to each agency’s needs and existing systems, while considering the types of work being undertaken by workers and circumstances around the working from home arrangement. For the purpose of this guide, the terms ‘you’ and ‘agency’ will refer to the person conducting business or undertaking (a PCBU) and employees of the agency will be referred to as ‘workers’.
Many of the principles for managing health and safety risks also apply when managing security and privacy. Because health and safety, security, and privacy risks can interact and impact each other, they have been described in a shared context in this guide. Further information on security and privacy can be found in the resources section of this guide.
This guide was originally developed during COVID-19, however, has been updated since publication.